Jared W. Knox Art

For since the creation of the world, God’s invisible qualities—His eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made.
— Romans 1:20

Uncaged Color

Step into the art and see the whole color palette on display, step away and see a lifelike subject. The intricate details of nature deserve to be unearthed and celebrated by the viewer. My art is a celebration of the Creator’s divine creation.

“Golden Crown”

My inspiration is pulled from natural scenes and then interpreted through art with unnatural color. A whitetail deer in its prime has no ultramarine blues or crimsons in its hide. I believe the only possible way to recreate such an animal as this is with immense color and contrast.



Creating commissioned artwork is a huge joy of my life. I love working with others to help their dreams be realized.

Artist Statement

“Nothing expresses God’s eternal power and divine nature more so than the outdoor world. Primarily, my goal is to magnify His creation with evocative brush strokes and color schemes. A successful painting should leave my viewer in an intimate, one-on-one experience with my depicted subject, providing feelings of respect, nostalgia, or even intimidation.

Many of these paintings include a wide variety of acrylic and oil colors oriented to show the motion of life being portrayed. Others of these works have much more life like detail in which I challenge myself to reflect the subject more accurately. Each piece of art I have created is incredibly unique and provides a distinctive challenge. I am honored to share my art with all who view it and hope the viewer can associate each image with their own personal memories.”

This ability to create has been an incredible yet random blessing, and the only proper response to receiving this gift is to worship God with it. God the Creator is the ultimate artist- we can only hope to glorify Him by making reflections of what He has already created. My art is a celebration of His love and majesty.”

— Jared Knox